Now you can enjoy the pleasures of booking and paying for your seat before you travel, making your ridesharing experience that much better. Check out all of the benefits our new system has to offer!
Are you a BlaBlaCar driver? No worries, we have lots of benefits for you too ;) Check them out!
Your seat is booked and confirmed

Now you can book and pay for your seat online before your journey takes place! If you are interested in booking a ride but have a few questions to ask before you do so, you can ask a driver public questions about their ride. This way you can see the answers to questions from other passengers, and they can see yours too!
Once you book a seat, you will be sent your driver’s contact details via SMS and email, meaning you can get in touch if you wish to, to make final arrangements.
Seat availability is automatically updated

Thanks to online booking, seats are automatically updated, meaning you no longer have to message a driver to know if there are still seats available in their car! This new feature will save you and your driver a lot of time.
It’s easier to organise your ride

Now you can book your seat in just a few clicks, anytime, anywhere! Download our free app for Android and iOS for a super efficient ridesharing experience.
See who else is travelling in your BlaBlaCar

Now you can see who else has booked the same ride as you! The photograph, name and age of your co-travellers will be displayed, including the complete profile of your driver.
You receive confirmation of your booking

When you book your ride, we will message you with the departure time, the meeting point and your driver’s contact details! We’ll also let you know the model of their car so that you can easily find them.
No longer worry about having exact cash

As you now pay online prior to your journey, you no longer have to travel with exact cash on you, meaning you can just sit back and enjoy the ride.
When you book a seat, we send you a Booking Code, which you give to your driver during your BlaBlaCar ride. Once your ride has taken place, your driver will enter your Booking Code into their BlaBlaCar profile, allowing them to receive your fuel contribution!
More online booking bonuses
You can ask before booking

Online payment is safe

You can cancel your trip

Find a ride
We spoke to some of our passengers and asked them how they feel about the new online booking system. This is what they think!
Dillon – BlaBlaCar Passenger
“Knowing that your seat is booked and confirmed via the app is a great assurance that you have definitely got your seat. Before online booking, seat availability was not automatically updated, so you could never be sure if a driver had empty seats left for you to book. Plus I like how you can see who else you’ll be travelling with. Online booking has definitely made my BlaBla days easier!”